8 Tips On How To Become A Fitness Model – Be A Fitspiration
Fitness models are currently some of the most popular models, blurring the line between the fitness and the fashion worlds. So here are 8 tips on how to become a fitness model that will put you on the path to success!
1. Understand The Industry

Are you a current or ex-athlete? Have you got the muscles of a champion weightlifter? Or have you got a bum and abs to die for?
Understanding what body type you have and therefore what market you would be looking to shine in is an integral part of the first steps in your journey and help you know what changes or improvements you may need to make.
Like any career, female and male modelling in all industries requires you to have all your tools ready including that perfect portfolio to submit to agencies.
Having a great look and body is one thing, but you need the experience in knowing how to become a fitness model and photos to share when you’re looking for work and representation.

2. Get Your Body Where It Needs To Be

If you’re looking at getting into fitness modelling your body is your most important tool. So make sure that you are happy with the place you are at before you start applying, whether it’s building a bit more muscle or slimming yourself down to that cut and shredded body ready to share with the world.
It’s no shock that a fitness model needs to be constantly camera ready. Fitness modeling isn’t necessarily rippling muscles and a body-builder-bod, but a toned physique is a must. How to prepare for a fitness photo shoot? Having a love and dedication to health and fitness will make your modeling journey smooth sailing.
Modeling is considered to be a full time gig, particularly if your body needs to be constantly at its best.
Taking the time to develop a solid diet plan will take the pressure off last minute meal ideas. Regular gym sessions, either solo, with a partner or a personal trainer are the perfect way to maintain your fit, fabulous form.

3. Competitions, Pageants and Practice

Whilst body love and confidence in yourself is something people find when getting involved in the fitness world, transferring that in front of the camera is an art in itself!
Watch videos, look at photos, get in front of the mirror and practice your movement and killer posing so you’ll be ready to slay in front of the camera.
Or take it a step further… Between shoots, why not try your hand at a swimsuit competition or a fitness pageant? Scouts will often frequent these events looking for the next big thing and even participating will help give your name some status.
These events truly rely on your figure, so what better way to maintain your muscles all year round by working the pageant circuit.

4. Hair, Teeth & Skin

Fitness models are expected to look healthy outside of their glorious glutes and abtastic abdominals.
Having luscious hair, a megawatt smile and glowing skin is applicable across all avenues of modeling.
However, due to the nature of fitness modeling, these attributes are particularly vital to the sale of the product and your lifestyle.
Radiating health and giving up or reducing habits that may be detrimental to your health will help your career in a small but pivotal way.

5. Get Ripped Quick Schemes

Nothing happens overnight, especially not weight gain or weight loss. Fitness models dedicate their lives to building their bodies and they lead extremely strict lifestyles.
There are alternate routes to achieving your body goals, but its best to work hard to see results. Know that patience and dedication is key, no matter where you begin your health journey.
Fitness modeling could be the ultimate goal but try your hand at commercial modeling or fashion modeling depending on your height and current shape.
Outside of a fit physique there are minimal restrictions, women can be between 5’4 to 6’0 and men anywhere from 5’10 to 6’3 or taller.

6. Approach Agencies

When you are happy with where you are at physically and you’re armed with your pristine portfolio it is time to start getting your foot in the door. Research, educate yourself and find the agency that is perfect for the work you want to do.
Whilst some agencies have very diverse rosters of models, it’s important to find somewhere that will represent you the way you want to be represented. Different agencies take different approaches – some allow ‘walk-ins’ where you can simply turn up for a meet and greet.
Others require a meeting to be scheduled or an application to be submitted via their website.
When you get there to meet them make sure you’re dressed appropriately and ready to show yourself off at your best!

7. Network

Networking is one of the most important aspects of any career creatively or otherwise.
Industry professionals such as photographers, makeup artists and stylists can also have specific niches they grasp best. When trying to build your portfolio, getting work with those who understand how to make you look your best is beneficial to the entire team.
Makeup artists with experience working with fitness models will highlight and contour your muscles to best accentuate them. Fitness photographers know how to coach the best poses out of you that work for your frame and sports stylists will dress you accordingly.
It’s important to start getting to know the people you’ll be working with. Whether it’s for advice, guidance or getting your name out there – it’s incredibly important to start getting to know people in the industry whether that’s models, hair and makeup artists, photographers or casting agents.

8. Don’t Give Up

The road to knowing how to become a fitness model is not an easy one but; Don’t Give Up!
Some people start their journey and find the work quickly, others find themselves persisting for longer, and other people never get there. It is impossible to know before you try.
But that’s just it, you have to try! Be persistent, improve and keep trying. Just because one agency says no, or you don’t get one job doesn’t mean you never will.
You need thick skin in industries like this and hard work pays off. Keep at it and you never know how far you’ll go!

Need more information? Check out our ‘How To Become A Model in Australia‘ article for all the answers.
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We would love to create a unique fitness modelling portfolio just for you!