Model Success Story | Ishitha Semitha
University student Ishitha Semitha visited our studio twice in order to build up her fashion portfolio, after deciding that she wanted to break into the industry. With a strong belief that personality is just as important as appearance in modelling, Ishitha sees herself as an example of someone who could help change people’s perceptions of beauty standards in modelling.

‘I believe every woman is capable of becoming a model irrespective of their shape, size, colour or race. I for one am an example of this, as I am not a typical models size or shape’, says Ishitha.

In keeping with her love for natural beauty, Ishitha was really keen to incorporate both her personality and Indian heritage into her styling. She decided on a fitness look, a dressed-up look, and a more traditional Indian look, and was very careful to select clothes that were representative of her personality for the photo shoot.

“Some tips I might give to other potential models is to create a profile which really captures who they are as a person through the use of clothing”

“By incorporating clothes which not only look good within the final images, but clothing they love that has a form of meaning to them, really captures their personality and their individual sense of style which is unique to them”.

Staying true to herself ended up working out in her favour, Ishitha has recently been signed to Just Khoo modelling agency and is starting to attend castings.

“I first applied by simply placing a very brief paragraph of interest where i gave a few details of past modelling shoots I have done. I then received an email from [Just Khoo] to my delight, enquiring about a meeting with the director Justin Khoo within the next few weeks following”.

Eager to build her name within the industry, Ishitha is hopeful that she will one day become a successful hair and runway model. In terms of short-term goals, however, she is happy to take whatever modelling opportunities come her way to broaden her portfolio.

She urges other models to take a similar approach in accepting opportunities, making sure to never take no for an answer, “the industry is indeed competitive but as long as they keep trying and putting themselves out there, taking every opportunity that comes their way then they are bound to be successful. Just don’t give up no matter how many times you’re turned down because eventually, something will come your way.”

“Even doing shoots such as working with The Photo Studio, it’s a step closer to what they want to achieve in the long term! Oh and also breathe! It’s often pretty scary standing in front of a camera as it does capture everything, especially your facial expression! But the team make the experience so much fun that the stress and fear will eventually fade”.
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We would love to create a unique portfolio just for you.