Agency Applications

Once you’ve determined which type of modelling you’re best suited for, the submission process begins. You can go about this in two ways – open calls or direct submission.
Some of the larger agencies have open calls where they open their doors to meet with aspiring models during certain hours on a particular day of the week. Agencies that have this option will have it clearly stated on their website. Open calls should be treated like castings, so if you are preparing for one then don’t forget to read our 7 tips to nail a model casting.
Direct submissions are done via email which can be found on the agency websites.

Although it’s important to have professional photos in a portfolio, agencies also want to see what you look like in your most natural, raw state. Digis should be taken either outside, in front of a white wall or by a window. It’s best to wear clothing that shows off your figure – skinny jeans with a tank top and high heels are recommended for girls – skinny jeans and a neutral coloured tee for guys.
Be sure to include a headshot looking straight at the camera, a photo of your profile at half-length and a full body shot.
Agencies need to know what they will be working with, so in your email clearly state the below information. Be sure not to embellish on these as most casting agents will also measure you once they meet you in person.

Professional Images
Attach the four strongest fashion photos from your portfolio and specify in the email that you have included an example from your folio for reference. You don’t want to bombard their email with 20 attachments. If they call you in for a go see, that’s when you can show them the rest of your portfolio!

Be mindful that you will only receive a response from an agency if they are interested in signing you. To get past the first stage they will invite you for a meet and greet, during which they will take some more digis of you. Fashion agencies will ask you to walk for them and they will also look at any other professional images you have so be sure to bring your Photo Studio portfolio with you to show off!