15 Tips On How To Find Modelling Jobs For Beginners
Modelling jobs are abundant within the modelling industry. The biggest challenge is knowing how to find them. If you’re an aspiring model struggling to find your first modelling job, keep reading to discover simple tips and tricks on how to kick start your modelling career.
By Kaley Larney
1. Know your strengths
To help narrow your search establish the type of modelling you want to pursue.
You don’t need to stick to one type of modelling instead work with your strengths. If you have a lean and fit figure you may be best suited to fitness modelling.
If you have a tall and slender figure you may be best suited to runway modelling.
Know your strengths and apply for modelling jobs that best suit you.
2. Build an authentic portfolio
Authenticity is key when finding your feet in the modelling industry. The best way to let your personality shine is through your portfolio. A killer portfolio is important as it allows agencies and clients to understand what type of modelling jobs best suit you.
When you’re building your portfolio make sure you have the basics down pat. These include headshots, full body shots and a variety of poses. It is important to ensure you have good quality photos that highlight your natural beauty and technique. Make sure your portfolio is a true reflection of you!
Having a hard copy portfolio is important but it is also a good idea to create an online portfolio. Creating an online portfolio doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead try using free online websites such as pixpa.com. When you’re creating your online portfolio make sure to include a basic bio that states your age and measurements.
3. Update your portfolio
Due to the fast changing nature of the modelling industry your portfolio may be out dated. If you already have a portfolio that’s a great start!
The key is to regularly update your portfolio with photos that are a true reflection of your appearance. Clients want to see an accurate representation of your appearance, as opposed to photos from four years ago when your hair was different.
Your portfolio is not only a resume of your past modelling jobs. It’s a representation of your current appearance.
If you feel your portfolio needs to be updated you can submit an enquiry to the Photo Studio below.
Want to Become a Model?
Gain Experience. Build Confidence. Get Noticed.
4. Find a modelling agency that aligns with you
Being signed to an agency is not essential when you’re trying to find modelling jobs, but it can definitely help.
Within Australia there are a range of agencies that specialise with a diverse range of models.
The role of an agency is to provide you with exposure, create your own brand and ultimately provide you with job opportunities.
Finding the right agency involves some research. An important tip is to follow agencies on their social platforms to be notified about open castings!
Check out our lists of both Melbourne and Sydney modelling agencies.
5. Be honest with your measurements
Getting measured can seem like a confronting experience. The most important part of recording your measurements is to ensure they’re accurate.
Remember if you don’t meet the required measurements don’t give up, there is a place for everyone in the modelling industry.
Measurements all depend upon the client and their requirements. Clients are aware that everyone has their own unique shape!
For female’s, agencies want to know your height, bust, waist, hips and shoe size. For males, measure your height, weight, neck and sleeve.
It’s also important to take into consideration the type of modelling jobs you’re aspiring to land; a fitness model will always have different measurements to a commercial model.
6. Create a comp card
Think of your comp card as a business card. Your comp card should typically consist of 4-6 photos.
Don’t forget to include your age, contact details and measurement details. It may be useful to create both a hard copy and a digital comp card.
The layout of the comp card is simple. Typically, your best headshot goes on the front and 4-6 photos on the back.
7. Present yourself with confidence
Whether you’re attending an open casting, an interview or arriving to set it’s perfectly ok to be nervous.
Ensure you present yourself with confidence.
Body language is key when projecting confidence so simply walk in and smile! Before you attend your event do your research.
This will make you feel prepared and help enhance your confidence.
Embrace your flaws and accept that it’s what makes you unique.
8. Invest in Instagram
Instagram is no longer used just to share your Sunday brunch. Instead it has become a business platform for aspiring models and influencers to put themselves out there and find modelling jobs.
Let your Instagram be a platform to show off your modelling skills and most importantly your personality.
Take into consideration the overall aesthetic of your feed as people are drawn to a visually pleasing gram.
Post regularly and keep your content consistent with your personal brand. It’s important to make sure your feed shows off your versatility.
9. Tag brands in your posts
The key to building your online presence is to gain brand exposure!
One way to do this is to tag fashion brands in your photos.
Ensure the photo is of good quality and the piece is styled well.
That way your post has a higher chance of being reposted and shared. This will increase your followers and build your social platform.
10. Sign Up to Online Modelling Groups
Trying to find modelling jobs can involve some creative thinking!
Think outside of the square and sign up to modelling groups online.
Ensure you research the credibility of sites as not all of them are reputable.
The Right Fit is a reputable site that can help you land modelling jobs. The Right Fit is a tool to help talent find job opportunities and for clients to find talent.
Check out the sites step by step guide on how to find jobs. Simply search the sites job lists and apply.
11. Incorporate #scoutme hashtags in your captions
Using your Instagram as a business tool is a great way to get discovered.
A simple tool you should try implementing when captioning your photos is to use #scoutme hashtags.
Major agencies such as IMG Models (#WLYD) and Chadwick (#SCOUTMECHADWICK) have their own hashtags used to scout new talent.
Using hashtags are a way to help you get discovered and find modelling jobs.
12. Act professional at castings
Castings are essentially an audition, the key to mastering your casting is to keep it professional.
Professionalism is represented not only by your physical appearance but also by the way you conduct yourself.
It is important to arrive early and ensure you have your portfolio and comp cards ready to go.
If you’re unsure about what to wear to your casting, check out our article on how to nail your first model casting.
Most importantly be confident and enjoy yourself!
13. Send a follow up
After you have been to a casting don’t be disappointed if you don’t hear back immediately. Agencies are in hot demand and receive a large amount of applications.
For this reason, it is important you take initiative and send a follow up email.
Your follow up should be simple and straight to the point.
Thank the client for the opportunity, express your interest and let them know you would be honoured to work with them.
Not only will this show you’re interested in the job it will also make you stand out from the crowd!
14. Practice makes perfect
Gaining experience in the modelling industry takes practice.
When you’re beginning don’t be hard on yourself as everyone has to start from the bottom, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Experience is valuable so take all opportunities that come your way. At every job give it your best performance and make sure you’re constantly learning.
15. Stay Strong
The modelling industry takes hard work and persistence!
Be prepared to put in the hard yards.
The most important thing to remember is why you want to become a model.
Be ok with constructive criticism as it will ultimately help you grow and learn. Remember to never compare yourself to other models.
We’re all different and that’s what makes modelling so unique. The most successful models have all had to deal with rejection.
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