Featured Portfolio | Christi Wescombe

Bar Hostess Christi Wescombe originally came into The Photo Studio Australia to create a shoot contrasting light and dark. By pairing bold hues with murky backgrounds, Christi and the team created something truly striking.

“I’ve always been interested in photo shoots and the whole fashion and modeling industry, so when I saw The Photo Studio was doing a competition I thought it would be a good opportunity.” Says Christi.

Describing her style as “anything but beige”, Christi’s outfits consist of a real mix of bright tones, different fabrics, and contrasting patterns. This is something she was very conscious of taking into her shoot, and really let the clothes do the talking.

“I think different colours and textures look great on camera, so I wanted to really go for that. And with my style choices I wanted to showcase totally different look sto show my versatility with different styles.”

This eye-catching panache is one Christi hopes will catch the attention of those who see her photos, wanting them to stay intrigued by what is at play in each photo.

“I love anything a little different or interesting, I can’t stand boring. My idols are probably Anna Nicole Smith and Lana Del Ray.”