True Beauty is Beyond Measurements

Ashleigh came to our studio in Melbourne to be part of our “Love Your Curves” campaign. She saw this as an opportunity to inspire women who have suffered from the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards. Asheligh wanted to utilise her own individuality to express the idea of self-love, and show the world the amazing power that courage, confidence and self belief can have on one’s life.

Why did you feel compelled to enter our “Love Your Curves” Campaign?
It’s mysterious the way the world works, you ask for something and opportunities reveal themselves to you. This is how I came across the ‘Love your Curves’ campaign; my chance to challenge myself and pursue a bigger purpose. The glamourous side is admirable, but the potential impact on women who have suffered the idea of social expectations of body image compelled me most. I was inspired to utilize my own individuality to express the idea of self-love, and show the world the amazing power that courage, confidence and self belief can have on one’s life. I sent my message out to the universe, with my heart and soul, with the intention ‘To expose the light within my being to the world, in good faith that it will inspire others to believe that beauty is skin deep.’
How do you think women can be a positive role model to other women?
I believe that beauty lies within every woman, it can be seen with the eyes but also felt by the heart. We may have our own unique identity, personality and image, and belong to a diverse range of race, ethnicity and culture, but we are all one and the same: beautiful. True beauty is beyond measurements, it can be expressed by a smile, a loving sentiment or an act of kindness; every one of us embodies unconditional love and limitless potential. I believe love transforms us and we can harness this power to positively motivate, inspire and impact every life we come across. Most importantly we must learn to love ourselves, all our flaws and blemishes, and embrace our authenticity and individuality. It is then possible for us to love and uplift the spirits of others, with hopes that we can empower their best qualities and allow them to express themselves with no judgement, bias or discrimination. The world can be a more loving, compassionate, kinder world if we replace jealousy with appreciation, insecurity with confidence, and hatred with empathy.

How did you come up with the styling for your Photo Shoot?
I wanted to be a blank canvas which paints a story with my energy as the main focus: through my eyes, body language and smile. I wished to convey an image of self-love, with a sense of confidence and exuberance. I conceptualized a raw and natural look, opting for very plain outfit (90’s CK campaign: denim and oversized shirts) and makeup to accentuate my features. I find that the art photography is so powerful in captivating an individuals personality, and eternalizing a portrait of ourselves in a time of our lives, an image of our unique beauty.
Who is your biggest influence?
The biggest influence in my world would be those who have nurtured me, supported me and loved me. Every soul I have encountered in the past 25 years has been a lesson or a blessing, both equally important to my personal and spiritual growth; those who have challenged, enlightened, strengthened, inspired and believed in me and my passions, ambitions and dreams. I owe who I am today to the culmination of the people in my life over the years.